
Getting Out of the House with a Newborn and Toddler

Koala Mama Koala Mama  Follow May 15, 2023 · 1 min read
Getting Out of the House with a Newborn and Toddler
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My family loves to be outside. I mean they really love it! Every day, and often twice a day, my daughter puts on her socks, shoes, and jacket, comes over to me and my husband singing “go, go, go.” So, we go out once or twice a day. Even when I am sleep-deprived from my newborn son, we “go.”

I muster up the energy because my first does way better when she gets some fresh air. Let’s be honest everyone does better mentally and physically with some fresh air. As exhausted and terrified as I was about juggling two littles, I knew we all needed it. Knowing I am helping my kids develop pushes me to “go.”

Below are some quick tips and tricks that I use to get outside with two:

  • I take them out in the stroller. This worked for me because my youngest can sleep in the stroller as I walk and play with my oldest on the play structure. My oldest can also go in and out of the stroller as she gets tired. Much easier than slings.
  • Bubbles bubbles bubbles. I find bubbles are a great way to get my oldest off the play structure and occupied when I breastfeed or care for the newborn.
  • Snacks and water. I always bring snacks and water. This helps entice my oldest back to the stroller or gives me something when I need a break from chasing after her.
  • Baby wear. I bring my sling for the moments where my newborn wants to cuddle but I need my hands or when I cannot bring my stroller

One of the biggest things I want to say is don’t let the discomfort keep you home. You might feel uncomfortable in your own post-partum body, struggling to manage two kids, but nobody minds. People are surprisingly forgiving when they see someone with two kids trying their best.

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Koala Mama
Written by Koala Mama Follow
From hospitality professional to professional mama, blogger, and wife!