first time parent, parent,

Preparing as a New Dad

Flight Recorder Flight Recorder  Follow Jan 01, 2020 · 1 min read
Preparing as a New Dad
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I work so I can spend more time and raise my children. This unfortunatley means I have less time than I want to spend with the kiddos.

Whether you have a spouse, fellow guardian, or are flying solo, I try to get as much done and ready for the little ones whenever I have the energy. Most days I’m going all out and pushing until my energy is empty, but over time, like a muscle, I’ve found I can push through more and more.

Like my policy on good dating, I work to think ahead, consider what the other would want, and enjoy the good and bad moments. I figure with my kids, they’re only going to want to hug me until they make their first friend in preschool.

Fasten your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!

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Flight Recorder
Written by Flight Recorder
A first-time parent recording his imperfect fathering. Happy husband, father, rock climber, and healthcare professional.