We lived in a small one-bedroom apartment when I was pregnant with my first and moved to a two-bedroom before getting pregnant with my second. So, space has been limited, and transitioning from working to being a stay-at-home mom, finances are something I have to be super considerate of. When I was pregnant, I found crazy long lists of things to buy, but I felt like it was all marketing or extra.
Here is a list I put together of the things I personally used or needed through my pregnancies.
While trying to conceive:
- A good prenatal and calcium supplement
- Start a working out routine that can flex while pregnant
1st Trimester
- Running maternity shorts*
- Maternity leggings
- Butt pillow**
- To eat:
- Ginger chews - hello morning sickness
- Crackers/ granola bars
*I did not buy these for my first pregnancy and it was a horrible regret. I lived in them for my second pregnancy. They are comfortable and help curve around your new bump.
** I suffered from sciatica through both of my pregnancies and had a very tender vagina postpartum. This pillow was a lifesaver and is something I still use when sitting on the floor playing with the kids
2nd and 3rd Trimesters
- Stretch mark cream
- Good water bottle with a straw and handle
- Pregnancy pillow - long one***
- To eat:
- 6 dates a day - not if you have blood sugar issues
- Prunes - if you are feeling backed up.
*** The pregnancy pillow my husband got me was so amazing!!! Having a long one that can twist and turn came in handy when I was dealing with those first few months being up every two hours breastfeeding. I could use it to support myself and the baby. Definitely a worth wild purchase especially if you want more than one kid.
3rd+ trimester
- Comfortable loose shirts/dresses
- Comfortable bras (nursing bras work great)
- Stuff for your hospital bag, if you need any.
- Start perineal massage
Come back and let me know if you find this list helpful or have questions!