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Photo Proof Mamas Exist!

Koala Mama Koala Mama  Follow Aug 07, 2023 · 1 min read
Photo Proof Mamas Exist!
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Being an active, stay-at-home mother is hard! On top of the inescapable minutes nurturing and protecting, we often play the role of the conscientious, unappreciated historian and photographer.

We mothers are ever-present in our children’s experiences but never seen.

This used to bother me, but now, instead of spending the limited energy being upset, I focus on figuring out how to get at least some form of “photo evidence” to prove I was there and I was an active parent.

I do think it is super common for many spouses to just not think about taking photos of a mother with their child. Hurtful. In the thousands of photos taken, there are probably 20 photos of my husband+children to every one photo of me in the frame.

Even the photos I have with my oldest are those first precious months when we were napping together…. cute but only a small snapshot of the wonderful things we did together. To give my husband some credit, I recognize my husband had a lot on his plate, so instead of nagging, I took the matter into my own hands.

  • I take selfies.
  • I have a tripod.
  • I lovingly remind him to take photos.
  • I put family photo shoots on the calendar, so my husband actively focuses on photo taking.

I have to say still to this day I have so many awesome photos of my husband and the kids that I cherish. I have many selfie-style photos of me and the kids that help record my presence in their milestones. For now, this is fine, but I hope to improve it with my husband over time.

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Koala Mama
Written by Koala Mama Follow
From hospitality professional to professional mama, blogger, and wife!