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Children Travel Emergency Cards

Koala Mama Koala Mama  Follow Oct 04, 2023 · 2 mins read
Children Travel Emergency Cards
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Fall is right around the corner, which means family holiday trips are fast approaching. As a mama who was raised by a single mother, I think about all the bad things that can happen in a fleeting moment in life and travel. With children of my own, I can’t help but focus on how I can give that extra level of protection for my littles in those critical moments, especially when traveling.

I was 48 hours away from leaving on my first roadtrip - alone with my now toddler. She was 5 months at the time, and our trip was estimated to take 8-10 hours without breastfeeding stops. In the final moments of packing, I started to spiral. When I say spiral, I mean I completely freaked out. My mind swirled around all the questions of “what if.”

What would happen to my girl if we were in a car accident? The first responders wouldn’t know her name, her age, or blood type. Under 12 months of age, meds are given by weight and age so they wouldn’t be able to help her if I couldn’t respond. Also, how long would it take for my husband to know something is wrong, if we needed help?How would rescuers know to contact my husband?

I realized there is a simple solution to this: Emergency Travel Cards.

I added all of my daughter’s information to my phone’s emergency information. The idea was if my phone survived the crash the first responders would be able to quickly find it. But what if my phone wasn’t right there (the spiral was really going deep), I quickly grabbed a sticky note and started writing her name, birthday, blood type, parents’ names and phone numbers as well as emergency/back up contacts.

Having this card in the car seat gave me the peace of mind to not cancel my trip.

No parent wants to dwell on negative thoughts on top of everything else going on. But, like all unplanned events, it’s much easier to be preventative than reactive.

Koala Travel Emergency Card
Fill in your child’s information, fold it in the center line, and done!

Click here to download your free cards.

If you appreciate the thought behind these travel cards, pop over to Instagram (@LoveKoalaMama) and show some love to the post!

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Written by Koala Mama Follow
From hospitality professional to professional mama, blogger, and wife!